Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Blogging experience

Hi bloggers:

This is one of my last posts, this time I'll tell you about my blogging experience.
So, since  we start I was so ashamed to write in English because I use to think that mistakes are embarrassing, but writing my posts I realize that even when we are wrong we are learning and this is such a good tool. I had so much fun with each topic, I learn many new words and now I feel more comfortable about new languages. Actually I like to learn Portuguese now.

I think that speak English it’s an important issue in our field, even more if you like to work abroad. Because of that I started to teach myself English since my lasts years at school and I was lucky to had a great teacher, so this year I was so nervous about English class and the result was that I forgot to set the alarm so I fell asleep and arrived at university late.

Finally, we never talk about why we are interested in learning English, I mean, why is important for us, what we expect and when we realize that it’s an important thing. I like to do it.

That’s all,
Read you next time!

1 comment:

  1. English is so important and the blog helps a lot to learn it


Experience in the English subject

Hi bloggers: Today I will talk about one of my subjects: English. I have to say that this subject isn’t so difficult to me because I had pr...