Friday, November 3, 2017

Changes to my study programme

Hi bloggers:

Today I’ll talk about some changes that I think will be good about my career. To start, in Forestry we have a lot of trainee practice, specifically in summer,  which is right but I think that some things could be better because students are much more than teachers so only a few learn all. Also, when we do some writing activities in forests we don’t have enough time to finish them appropriately, but what I think could be more enriching is that teachers give us a detailed correction of this activities not just the note.

About the curriculum and classes I’d like to have a subject about native mushrooms or ferns, because we only learn this in trainee practices. Also, I’d like to have fewer hours in math or statistic and much more in flowers and plants. Not just electives.

The faculty facilities are just a few and we don’t have enough classrooms and we need them because more and more people study the career every year.  But all of us enjoy green areas. About teachers, mostly are good teachings but a few don’t have enough patience.

About length of studies I’d like it to be less years because five years are a lot of time and we have a lot of unnecessary electives. In Forestry we use technology in just a few subjects like English or Statistic but in home we need computers or something like that to do homework.  I hope we could do this thing better in future.

That’s all,
Read you next week…

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