Thursday, May 25, 2017


Hi bloggers!
Today I`m going to show you one of my favourite photographs:

This picture shows the beauty of the south of Chile, actually it was taken in Frutillar by myself, that's the reason why you`re looking at Osorno volcano. Besides, this photograph means a lot for me because it has my best memories with the best company.
 About 2 years  ago, when I finally finished school, my boyfriend invited me on vacations with him and his family. I accepted because it would be my first vacations out of Santiago.
We spend almost 1 weeks going all over Chiloé, it's a charming place. Then we traveled to Puerto Montt but it wasn't what we expect and we only had lunch and left that place. But when we arrived in Frutillar, it was a magical thing because the lake was huge, Osorno volcano was snowed and you can find chocolate everywhere. We spend 4 days in that place and every afternoon we ate cheseecake, ice cream or kuchen at the shore of the lake.
Since that moment Frutillar became my favourite place.

That's all, see you soon.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


 Last summer I decided to go on an adventure; my boyfriend and my friends shared with me this travel to "Los Lagos" region.

We started in Frutillar, where we finished the Summer Practice of Forestry, but I´m only going to tell you about my favourite places in this trip.
So we moved to east to a place called "Ensenada": it was a camping site in the middle of a myrtle forest, full of birds and cats, I was amazed.
Then we visited a place called "Toboganes de la Junta" in Cochamó, it took us 6 hours to reached the top, but it was the most beautiful place that I ever seen because it was a natural "toboggan" made of stone with turquoise water and surrounded of native forest.
Finally, near to "Chaitén" we went to a place called " The Yellow" in Pumalin park, where we reached a huge glacier after 4 hours of trekking. I hadn´t seen anything like that before.

That´s all,
I hope you like it...

Experience in the English subject

Hi bloggers: Today I will talk about one of my subjects: English. I have to say that this subject isn’t so difficult to me because I had pr...