Friday, October 13, 2017


Hi bloggers:  Today I’ll talk about my experience making the herbarium. It was last year and with my friends started it very early so we have a lot of time to collect our samples. The objective was search 30 samples, 20 native and 10 exotic.

Our first adventure was to “Aguas de Ramón” located between “Las Condes” and “La Reina” there we collected a lot of samples and stayed all day, we lunched next to a river and it was a great experience to me. Also we traveled to “Canelillo” beach where a little forest is and we find some plants that we didn’t know, we spend all day in the beach playing and sharing stories.

I visit other places too because I want to have unusual samples, so I visit “Panul” hill, “Cajón del Maipo” and also collected some plants near to my home or when I visited my family in V region.  
It took me 4 months to collect and dry all my samples but the ugly part is when you have to sew up all the plant to a cardboard and make a card where you have to write the place where you pick this, coordinates and other things. Sincerely, I enjoy make this work so much because it makes me learn more about plants but also I spend time with beautiful people who are my friends.
That's all, read next week...

Experience in the English subject

Hi bloggers: Today I will talk about one of my subjects: English. I have to say that this subject isn’t so difficult to me because I had pr...